Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It was in Culver City that I knew joy

It was noticeably less packed than other times we'd been to Scion Space in Culver City, and it made DGAF go WTF. I mean, there were still complimentary gift bags available at 9 p.m.! Those things are usually completely gone by 8! There was no line outside by the time we'd left, which there usually is. In fact, there wasn't even a line for the wine and Honest Tea, which was a first. We don't know where everyone was, but we knew they were missing out. I mean it was cool to be able to walk around more easily and be able to look at the work, but it was disappointing not to see the overwhelming love that Sixpack France deserved. I mean, they're not exactly obscure, and ok, the place wasn't empty, but see for yourself what the fuss was all about:

It was on Earth that Sixpack France knew DGAF.

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