Tuesday, January 12, 2010

DGAF Profile #7: Phra of Crookers

The "Crookers! Phra and Bot!" Edition

UPDATED 1-20-10

This profile should have been done last year. We talked about giving Phra a DGAF profile, but somehow it didn't happen. So we've awarded him the first DGAF profile of 2010. There's not a whole lot we know about Phra, who is one half of DGAF DJ duo favorites Crookers. But then, there's not much to say about him either, because we think these videos more than speak for themselves:

Save time and go to 1:10, 5:05, and 6:30...

He can cook like a chef, rocks a pink polo shirt like nobody's business, and started off as a hip hop DJ at 11 years old! It doesn't appear that he'll blow you off if you approach him, no matter how drunk and obnoxious you are (as witnessed at the Custom Hotel after Hard Summer in August 2009). If you've seen Crookers DJ, you'll have even more evidence that he's DGAF. But we're pretty sure you haven't heard him rap. Yes, rap. He can rock the decks AND mic with equal DGAF.

His Twitter name is also Phrappuccino. PHRAPPUCCINO. As you can see we're not making this up. You sure as hell won't find that at your local Starbucks. I think he should do a rap album, and maybe it could be called "phRAPpuccino".

But what kind of name is "Phra"? We assumed it was short for "Francesco", his real name, and spelled with a "ph" for fun (phun?). But on further investigation, we accidentally found out on Wikipedia that "Phra" was a Thai title of nobility and royalty! It was probably intentional, but even if it wasn't, that doesn't make him any less DGAF.

No wonder the upcoming Crookers album is going to be called "Tons of Friends". Who wouldn't want to be friends with someone that DGAF?

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