Coke? —taken from meowza's flickr
This guy is the epitome of DGAF.
French DJ Kavinsky (signed on Fool's Gold) does not give a FUCK. Only he can ride around in a Testarossa, drink all of Busy P's vodka, get a bouncer from Cinespace in a headlock, then get caught in a headlock himself, stop traffic outside of Cinespace at 2 in the morning and wear shirts that say "Coke" on it and get away with it. There are many types of DGAF in this world, and Kavinsky is the badass type of DGAF.

Look at what this guy is wearing, is there any question as to how DGAF he is?—photo from SHIMOSH's flickr
This man DJ's around the world, driving around in a red Testarossa. He even made a song based on his Testarossa. In fact, he created an entire backstory to his music and became the character of his music. Can you do that if you gave a fuck? I highly doubt it.
Kavinsky supposedly died in 1986 in a car crash in his Testarossa. He came back to life as a zombie and now drives the streets with the Testarossa. In 1986, that fool was 11. He died while driving a car at 11. DGAF indeed.
The shirts he wears is just extra proof about how DGAF he is. Coke? You know he does a lot of it. And I'm not talking Coca-Cola, either. How else do you come up with shit like dying in 1986 while driving a Testarossa? And he sports that on a shirt for the world to know, because he just DGAF.
He not only makes crazy music and even crazier characters, but he acts in his friend Quentin Dupiex (Mr. Oizo)'s videos and films. Even the characters he plays are DGAF.
Does he give a fuck that he's throwing some kind of square softball and acting in the most nonsensical film of this century? No. No he does not.
The only video interview I know of that exists of this man is also incredibly ridiculous:
Superpowers: "Just a big dick." Do I need to go any further? I think I've proved my case.
i want a sandwich and some coke