Last Friday, the Suzanarchist and I went to Discotheque at Club 740 in downtown LA, which is a new weekly party thrown by the guys from Nitrus + MFG, aka the promoters for the HARD festivals. This week had artists Don Rimini, Destructo, Staccato, Acid Girls, Classixx, Switch, Spank Rock, and the MAD DECENT basement with Paul Devro + more. Here’s what we thought:

SUZANARCHIST: so we got there and the parking was $5, not bad
SHIMOSH: yeah, right next to the club, so that was good
SHIMOSH: getting in was smooth (no water bottles, but whatevz)
SUZANARCHIST: yeah i had to dump my 5 hour energy shot
SHIMOSH: LOL, is that what happened?
SUZANARCHIST: yup. idk i didn’t really care, it was almost empty
SHIMOSH: oh ok. i thought you meant an unopened one
SUZANARCHIST: nope. so we get there and the line is short, which is bomb
SHIMOSH: yeah line was cool because we got there at like 9:50ish?
SHIMOSH: doors opened at 10
more people came later on, but it was free before 11 (with rsvp)
SHIMOSH: it was a really cool venue
SHIMOSH: i really liked it
SUZANARCHIST: it was pretty big
the lighting was SICK as fuck
SHIMOSH: HALE yeah SEVEN FORTY! the “underground” part had a “rave” feel to it
SUZANARCHIST: yeah totally
SHIMOSH: not necessarily music, but the vibe, or maybe it was just the setup
SUZANARCHIST: well honestly, at first they were playing reggaeton and shit, latin american music
but later when they started dropping baile funk, i was fucking DOWN. and someone played “let the bass kick,” i almost creamed.
SHIMOSH: lol gross. yeah... MAD DECENT, right? paul devro?
SHIMOSH: MAD DECENT! yeah it was good stuff
SUZANARCHIST: yeah the beats got dirty downstairs.
when classixxx was on upstairs, the beats were super clean—almost sterile. Like immaculate sterile coked out 80’s beats.
Acid girls were cool
SHIMOSH: yeah acid girls were good
SUZANARCHIST: i remember them near the beginning
SHIMOSH: so was it acid girls then classixx then rimini then staccato then swtich then spank rock? (even though we couldn’t make it til the end)
SUZANARCHIST: i guess spank rock finished?
SHIMOSH: i guess so
SUZANARCHIST: i remember staccato being there before we left

SHIMOSH: i’m not sure, it sucks bc it was starting to clear out a good amount after don rimini
i wonder if everyone just migrated downstairs? or went to smoke?
because there were a buttload of people smoking
SUZANARCHIST: oh yeah, after don rimini the dance floor was almost empty. it sucked. i’m sorry but female djs need to be repped.
SHIMOSH: yeah lamesauce
SUZANARCHIST: staccato DROPPED some fucking beats
SHIMOSH: staccato was dope, but i think don rimini exhausted everyone. It’s like he just blew a giant load on everyone and the crowd was like OMG I LOVE IT and couldn’t take it and died
SUZANARCHIST: he fucking DROPPED so many dance bullets
SHIMOSH: OMG I KNOW. Don Rimini=best

SUZANARCHIST: fucking bombs. missiles. let me back up i think just brought on the armageddon. don rimini was the shit.
SHIMOSH: let me back up = awesome. i loved when he played “warp” i was like omg <3
SHIMOSH: crookers remix of let me back up <3
SUZANARCHIST: i mean i always liked that remix, but hearing that live just...
SHIMOSH: made you melt
SUZANARCHIST: gave me cardiac explosions of ecstacy and i didn’t even drop
SHIMOSH: haha, nice
SUZANARCHIST: that’s the test of really good dance music—you can rock out to it completely sober, which is why HARD and its promoters put on the dopest tightest shit
SHIMOSH: but “i cant imagine moshing to dance music”
SUZANARCHIST: fuck that bitch
SUZANARCHIST: well u couldn’t back in the 90s, but now... i mean acutually maybe the prodigy
dance definitely started getting more eclectic roots, but it wasn’t widespread as this. i think DJs are showing their diverse influences more
SHIMOSH: totes

SUZANARCHIST: it’s not just “rave” music anymore, it’s not as specific, it’s not cheesy—
people are turning cheesy samples into fucking quality shit.
SHIMOSH: Discotheque win?
SUZANARCHIST: yeah discotheque brings on fucking quality djs
SHIMOSH: first discotheque wins. don rimini was amazing
SHIMOSH: totes
SUZANARCHIST: it wasn’t too packed
SHIMOSH: yeah! that’s what i liked
SUZANARCHIST: the venue was nice, large, spread out... there were chill areas to sit down
SHIMOSH: it wasn’t like PACKED FULL like a Japanese train during rush hour
SUZANARCHIST: yeah or cinespace LOL
SHIMOSH: HAH yeah! cinespace was just uncomfortable
SUZANARCHIST: and the best thing is it’s free before 11.
SHIMOSH: well it was for this first one, but i don’t know if they’re doing it for all of them
SUZANARCHIST: yeah but that was good
SHIMOSH: yeah it was. free=awesome, but otherwise it was like $10 presale which isn’t bad. worth it, i’d say. good times.
SUZANARCHIST: oh yeah $10 is good—for that quality too!
the downstairs failed when it dropped the electro reggae
SHIMOSH: yeaaaaaah
well i’m not partial to reggae, so maybe i’m too biased but yeah... not into the reggae
SUZANARCHIST: yeah i hate dance reggae. i mean both of us are biased, but u know that baile funk/funk carioca shit was TIGHT
SHIMOSH: discotheque was pretty dgaf awesome, right?
SUZANARCHIST: the sheezy yes
SHIMOSH: i say the DGAF award of the night goes to this guy

the dancing man. he’s so fucking disco. that man was dancing from the very fucking beginning and did not stop. he probably started dancing at 9, and the thing started at 10 and i think he was just non-stop party. this guy seriously was so. fucking. DGAF
SUZANARCHIST: yup. DGAF of the night
SHIMOSH: he was so sweaty. DGAF award
i’m going to make like a “dgaf award” ribbon to put on that
like a first prize ribbon
but that says “DGAF”
or “#1 DGAF”

So, this week will be another fun weekend! Discotheque on Friday with Busy P + SebastiAn, then HARD Summer on Saturday! We predict this friday’s #1 DGAF to be Busy P, but we’ll see. So go to Discotheque this Friday, (21+) bitches.
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