Hyper Crush is a band from LA/the 80s/videogameland, and they don't give a FUCK.
There's three members: Holly, Donny, & Preston. Holly & Donny on vocals, Preston on keytar + DJ.
I first found out about them from our friend Emely. Actually saw them live for the first time opening for LMFAO. I thought they were pretty cool then, but didn't look too much into them. Recently, I went to a video shoot for their latest single, "Keep Up." Once I started doing a little more research, i though, holy schnikes these guys are so DGAF. Here's why:
straight out of 1990
Look at them. Do you see those colors??? They wear a lot of neon, reference the 80s/early 90s, old school video games, Back to the Future/DeLoreans a LOT, and generally seem to not take themselves too seriously. No one wears that much neon and gives a fuck. It's just not possible. Oh, and also: MERCEDES BENZ EMBLEM AROUND THE NECK. wtf.
According to the official Hyper Crush site, they are "three shit-faced extra terrestrials" who form the greatest electro-80s hip hop band:"
Donny “Ponyboy” Fontaine is a straight shooter who once won a trip to Reno Nevada in a James Dean look alike contest. Despite his uncanny looks he still has trouble with low self esteem at times. Donny began rapping in the summer of 56’ and has not stopped since. One of Donny’s greatest achievements was a freestyle battle he won at the country manor home for the mentally disabled. “As far as I’m concerned none of these retards stand a chance” said Donny prior to his landslide victory. (Side note: In an interview with you would if you had robot ears, Preston said, "DONNY HAD BEEN PRACTICING HIS METAPHORS FOR MONTHS. HE FACED ELI PORTER IN THE FINAL ROUND. DONNY BARELY ESCAPED WITH THE VICTORY AND HIS PRIDE.")
What would the greatest Doo-Hop group of all time be without a super Producer/DJ extraordinaire. His name is Preston “Cutty” Moronie, a cool customer on the computer buttons with a penchant for domestic violence.In an interview Preston once asked a reporter, "what do you tell a woman with two black eyes?" "What?" the reporter replied. "Nothin', you already told her twice," he yelled, as he strangled the broad next to him.
Donny & Preston first met in the fall of '62, during a fist fight at a local Denny's in the city of San Fernando. The two were involved in an altercation over what song was to be played over the jukebox. Preston wanted to hear some "Fats Domino" and Donny of course, insisted on "Martha and the Vandellas."
The waitress who stopped the quarrel was none other than Holly “Baby” Valentine. A big time hussie with a foul attitude and a mouthful of bubble gum. Holly was born in the jungles of South America but moved to the States after having killed several cops. With a voice like an angel and a mouth like a truck driver Holly hit it off perfectly with Donny and Preston. The three decided to start the doo-hop, electro, death-core super group “hyper crush”.
That sounds like some stupid shit that we'd make up.
old & DGAF (halloween 2009)
Some more DGAF evidence:
Exhibit A: water skating across a pool.
hi i'm preston and i don't give a fuck.
Exhibit B: jumping off a second story onto a bunch of people.
hi i'm preston and i (still) don't give a fuck.
Yes, that second video did happen during the shoot for Keep Up. I think events get shut down when people jump off things like that.
I don't know the context of this tweet at all:

Probably was just him thinking, "i don't give a FUUUUUCK!!!" but he only tweeted the last part of it.
come on, look at that neon Hulk Hogan shirt. he is so DGAF. Also, our pants kind of match.
Although I feel that the most DGAF thing about this band is the lyrics. Maybe you're one who doesn't listen to lyrics much. I sometimes don't pay attention to the lyrics and just listen to the music, but sometimes things will catch my ear. Things like:
What the fuck did he say? Walk back and punch the DJ. (Robo Tech)
She laughed, uh, she left me hanging/Holy Schnikes, I was mad! (Sex and Drugs)
Who the fuck is Hyper Crush?/I don't know, they're nice as fuck. (Who The Fuck Is Hyper Crush?)
Back to the crib you freak, freak/tell your mother to leave, leave/unless she wants it too, then it's cool, she can be with me. (She's a Freak)
I fucked around and got arrested/for looking great!/can you believe it, i'm conceited?/now look away. (747)
Shoot your homie in the foot 'til he starts to dance/slap him in the fucking mouth just as hard as you can/when he asks you what you're doing, say 'i'm super retarded/i know that you're my homie but i'm shooting regardless.' (Super Retarded)
and probably my favorite:
I don't even understand.

he's got some mad rhymes, yo.
and now here's a bunch videos just because they're amusing:
"We don't really know shit."
"We have people behind us, but it's ok, because we gotta get the city." Stopped on a freeway in Seattle. At least you're not stopping traffic in the middle of Hollywood Blvd.
Yeah, we wear our own shirts.
Getting busted in Mormonville, Idaho while playing Sex & Drugs.
They make it rain.
Download their shit:
Mixtape Vol 1
Mixtape Vol 2
They're so DGAF, we decided to make a little dgaf mashup...
Download/listen to our shit:
Big Boom Box Comin' - Hyper Crush vs. Crookers