"stupidest-post-ever" edition
Happy ONE YEAR DGAF-VERSARY. we've kept this blog going for a year already. wow. To celebrate, we want to share something very stupid and dear to us. That would be one of our good friends, Don.
Don was our DGAFriend of the year of '09 and things definitely would not have been so DGAF without him in '09 or '10. He often comes to events with us and there's never a dull moment between his witty commentary and his willingness to mess with the drunks and druggies. Not to mention this kid has major talent in the music production department. See
this post for more deets.
Don with a drunk
Don with another drunk
Don drunk (not really)
Fun times with Nabil Linus and Don.
what even...
Don doesn't approve of such rude behaviour, Suz.
I think we already have a winner for DGAFriend 2010...
So for all the stupid times and stupid pictures, we salute you, Don. One year of DGAF and counting.