Off the Ten was off da chain!
If you're looking for a backyard show with good vibes, good peeps, and good music, look no further than... Baldwin Park? Yes, the DayKare consistently hosts fun, safe, all ages shows for everyone to enjoy. Leave your drama, your booze, your drugs, and douchiness at the gate. Everybody's here to play music, listen to music, and be DGAF.
For those who don't know, the DayKare is John's house. John is in the Stoned Koalas and he is generous enough to let bands play and hang out at his house. It's a few bucks to get in but all of that goes towards pizza that everyone gets to share. Snacks and drinks are already provided for free. But why is it called the DayKare? Because there's a room in the house that's used as an actual day care for kids, and for these shows, the day care room is used as the backstage area/bathroom.
We definitely think this was the best lineup the DayKare has had so far. (Well, one band in particular did bring more comic relief than anything else but we'll explain that later.) It was also the best organized and also ran very smoothly. There were 2 stages (the tent in the driveway and the garage) which worked out really well in terms of efficiency. And hell, there were cool red, green, and blue lights in the garage that just looked like a total trip. One of the best things about Day Kare shows is the diversity and inclusivity of bands from all parts of southern California. It's not just exclusive to one one scene or genre.
Junket claimed her voice was messed up due to being sick or something, but none of us heard flaws in her singing. All we heard is her genuine songwriting skills and nice melodies. A pretty impressive opener.

Nobu Albatross is something else. The definition of a real musician. He played percussion on his guitar, made the strings sound like a drumroll at one point, and played his mind-blowing "blumenco" (blues and flamenco) style while working a high hat and a maraca that was attached to his guitar. A total show stopper. And done with absolutely no ego.

Nobu Albatross
Kylie from Jolene's Leftovers completely rocked her solo set. She has stage presence and a punk energy despite only being armed with an acoustic guitar. She's got good original songs and the fact that she covered Tori Amos, the Dresden Dolls, AND the Proclaimers' "500 Miles" makes her very DGAF, indeed.

Kylie from Jolene's Leftovers
Now there was one band who shall remain unnamed. This band must have taken an hour and a half to set up, and they'd brought a sound crew, roadies, and a fucking professional CAMERA CREW. Nothing against Off the Ten, but this wasn't Coachella. And this wasn't even a signed band. All this hassle, and they only played maybe four songs. They didn't bring a single fan, however, and every single member of their crew was too cheap to pay THREE BUCKS to get in. They had all that money for all that expensive equipment, and not a few bucks to contribute to the show. They split after attempting to get people on their mailing list and pass out a business card or two. Good Charlotte! OOPS! I mean, good riddance!
The Stoned Koalas, the hosts of Off the Ten, always know how to bring the fun. They're enjoyable, energetic, and play music because they love music. Mad props, guys, for setting up a good show and playing a good show yourselves!

Stoned Koalas

Stoned Koalas
On the 5 are just plain sassy. They rock out, make you dance, make you smile. Without a question one of my favorite bands from the South Bay right now. Every show I've seen has been consistently legit.

On the 5
Aftergloam are a group of tight musicians who play awesomely heavy riffs and have a sick rhythm section. They had me from the get go. And anyone who can actually pull of a sweet cover of Nirvana's "Aneurysm" is pretty DGAF.

The Philosophies were a cool, solid band to listen to until the cops showed up. RIGHT IN BETWEEN A COVER OF MGMT'S "KIDS". COME ON BALDWIN PARK PD. SHOW SOME FUCKING CONSIDERATION. COULDN'T YOU HAVE WAITED UNTIL AFTER THEY FINISHED THEIR SET??? (Apparently they'd waited about 20 minutes until taking any action because they liked what they'd heard, and rightfully so!) The show had to be moved inside into the DayKare, and we were left hanging with an abruptly unfinished MGMT cover. DGAF salutes the Philosophies and we'd definitely like to catch you guys again.
The Terrapin are just straight out epic and psychedelic, no doubt about it. It actually worked in their favor, I think, to play inside the Day Kare. It was an odd setup, but their projections showed up strongly and eerily on the white walls. It certainly made the experience more interesting and surreal, which was totally a happy accident.

The Terrapin
IE is quite the DGAF badass. She has nothing to hide behind, and gets up and just does her thing. Her only weapons are her relentless beats, her voice and a mic, and her ferocity brought the house down. I was pretty inspired.
CMYK were just plain stupid.
All in all, we laughed and danced til we cried. We can't wait for the next DayKare show! Thanks to John from the Stoned Koalas for making it happen!