Friday, October 23, 2009

Lady DGAF?

What the hell is a mainstream pop singer doing on DGAF? The world needs more DGAF women, and we're always on a mission to find more of them! We definitely didn't expect to find one in Lady Gaga either.

When she first came out, I thought she was a Christina Aguliera rip-off. I mean wasn't it some big thing that they had the same hair last year or something? "Just Dance" also sounded not unlike a Christina Aguilera track. I wasn't impressed. Oh, how cute, she's trying to dress edgy...

I tried so hard not to like her, until Poker Face came out and conquered us all with its catchy disco electro pop swagger. I couldn't escape it.

Love Game had the same effect on me... I thought it had the dumbest chorus until I realized how taunting it was and started singing along to it and found it constantly stuck in my head...

And don't even get me started on Paparazzi... along with its insanely trippy, melodramatic, hypnotic, and bizarre music video... which also references the robot from the silent film "Metropolis" which is fucking COOL...And anyone who gets the Swedish male triplets from the Vh1 reality show "Daisy of Love" in their music video and suggests sex with all three of them IS AS DGAF AS YOU CAN GET!!!

The thing is, I started to notice how FIERCE she was. She can wear whatever the hell she wants and pull it off. She struts like a 7 foot tall supermodel but with more attitude. I don't think a pop star since Madonna has been this ambitious. But Madonna was nowhere NEAR this FIERCE when she first started!!! And her choreography is sick, let's face it. It definitely helped out that she was a theatrical nerd.

Now that i've seen more of her videos and interviews and performances, whatever, holy fucking shit she is a REAL sassy bitch. She's so young but she's so sure of herself and totally in control and really is talented musically. Her confidence and intelligence is fucking badass, especially when younger women aren't encouraged to have any, and in an age where ditzes like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan are worshipped for cluelessly partying their lives away and being general dumbasses. Lady Gaga doesn't need to cause scandals in her personal life, but only in her peformances, which is the way it should be!

Pop singers aren't really known for their opinions, but the fact that she really is concept driven and is really clear about her references is refreshing. She talks about David Bowie, Queen (her name is derived from their song "Radio Ga Ga") and has a tattoo inspired by John Lennon. She considers what she does "art", and whether you agree or not, I think pop music needs that push and that perspective, and again this reflects her total dedication to her work. She is completely aware about the power of image in music as well as the whole concept of fame, and she's never afraid to express herself or be completely gratuitously over the top, and admit every bit of it. She knows exactly what she's doing. Let her be pretentious if you think she is, because she has a BRAIN.

Did we mention that she is ACTUALLY a talented musician? She writes her own songs, she can actually SING, she plays the piano, and is just a genuinely good performer. What a fucking pro, and so in control of her work. She was also one of 20 people in the world to gain early admission to the Tisch School of Arts at NYU. Did Jessica Simpson do that? HALE NAW. She sure as HELL couldn't do this:

or this:

Did we mention that she is openly bisexual and openly supports the gay community? It's pretty DGAF for a mainstream pop artist to express her beliefs like that. Conservative America, are you offended? GOOD.

I think the only pop singer who comes close in DGAFness is Pink, but despite her badass attitude and vocal talent, she isn't all-conquering like Lady Gaga. Christina Aguilera can sing, sure, but she's not DGAF. Britney dressed up like a fucking schoolgirl when she came out, which was super LAME. Lady Gaga doesn't need any half-assed predictable schoolgirl fantasy bullshit because she's a fucking vengeful high fashion dominatrix who can outwit you and kill you, all while getting over 14 million hits on YouTube in well under 2 weeks:

Because I usually hate it when female singers dress skanky but Lady Gaga is a fucking drag queen without a penis. Let people say they think she's a man or ugly or whatever, just because she's a ferocious performer and looks like she could eat you alive, all while rocking the most avant-garde costumes you could only DREAM of wearing. And her prominent nose just makes her look better in makeup! Haters should just admit they wish they could be as DGAF as her while making a living like that at the same time... and did I mention how jealous Gwen Stefani probably is right now?

She is also brutally honest and sure of herself. Her answer for what she looks for in a partner is a classic DGAF answer. I think more girls should follow her example:

shit, maybe she needs to meet Kavinsky...

And you really need to be DGAF to admit to being a con artist: "if someone asked, who is lady gaga, i would be ok with 'she is the most impressive con artist of fame.'" For a pop singer? super DGAF.

DGAF. fuck the haters. LADY GAGA IS HOT!!!



DGAF Returns to Discotheque with CHROMEO!!!

We weren't so DGAF that we'd dare to miss Chromeo's DJ set at Discotheque on Oct 9!!! And we're glad we didn't! The place was rightfully packed, and Dave 1 and P-Thugg didn't let us down. They dropped some of their own new tracks, and seeing them DJ made me want to see their live set even more!

Dave 1 throwin' it down

P-Thugg still rocked the talkbox like nobody's business, it was mind-boggling and most of the time I didn't even realize it was him, I swore it was part of the track! When they dropped one of my personal 2009 favorites "Let the Bass Kick," I was so confused when Shimosh pointed out that P-Thugg was talkboxing a melody along with it! He did that for most of the set. That takes some serious skillz! We were surrounded by even more wasted and obnoxious people than at previous nights. Chromeo ending it with Bone Thugs' "Crossroads" was a surreal mix of sentiment, '90s nostalgia, exhaustion from dancing, and good times.

Who won DGAF that night?

Well, our DGAF Winner from the Don Rimini Discotheque night made a reappearance... and still managed to outdance everyone until everyone decided to jam pack the floor in time for Chromeo, while by that time absolutely shitfaced drunk or rolling balls.

Our July DGAF Winner

But... it was obvious that tonight's winner, hands down, was P-Thugg, or PEE-THUGG, as he signed on our friend Emely's poster. Anyone who can integrate a talkbox into a DJ set so smoothly and effectively and effortlessly deserves one of the highest DGAF honors.

(Special thanks to Bjones)

And a special shout-out to Paul Devro, who dropped some mad decent (pardon the pun) beats afterwards!

See you on NYE at Club Nokia with PB Wolf, Chromeo??? I'm totally down! To be continued...


We managed to catch JD Samson DJ at Partygirls, Inc. on September 12th. For those of you who don't know, Partygirls, Inc. is a dance party put on by our friend Michaelvincent at Señor Fish in downtown LA every second Saturday of the month. It's got a good vibe and you'll have a blast! Check out their Facebook page for more info:



We've been fans since Le Tigre, and we're happy to say that JD is not only a dope DJ but super nice and chill too! JD played a lot of old and new club anthems, and were dancing our asses off! We feel sorry for anyone who missed this! DGAF <3 JD!

Samson & Shimosh!

Not even the Suzanarchist knows why she looks scared...

The Original Partygirl himself, the mighty MICHAELVINCENT!

it's driving me out of my mind... that's why it's hard for me to find... PB WOLF IS DGAF!!!

I think I just broke a DGAF record for laggiest blog... it's nearing the end of October, and we saw PB Wolf at FYF on September 5. But that's why this blog is called DGAF, right?

I would do a review of Fuck Yeah Fest 2009 but I thought it wouldn't be complete without photos... and since we took the Metro, we decided to leave Shimosh's camera at home so we didn't have to risk not being able to get in. It was an $8 well spent, as we caught the one-day sale. Some of the highlights included Lightning Bolt, who were gloriously brutal experimental art punk, Tim & Eric, who did a hilarious and ridiculously legit parody of a '70s rock set, and No Age, who blew me away with their fractured distorted '90-style noise pop. I couldn't believe the sound and energetic buzz that this 2-person band could make, and the drummer was dropping relentlessly tight beats while doing vocals. PROPS!!!

But let's not even mess around here. The undisputed highlight of FYF was none other than the mighty PEANUT BUTTER WOLF. Sorry if this isn't punk or indie enough for you hipsters, because this was the only VJ at FYF and that's DGAF.

I'd heard all about him, and after tons of missed opportunities to see him, I realized what I'd been missing:

(Thank you to atwaterville for posting this!!!)

I wasn't sure what to expect at first, but the moment he introduced himself to the crowd and proclaimed, "I'm gonna take you back to the '90s for the next 45 minutes", I almost had a damn seizure. I almost pissed myself when Bell Biv Devoe 's "Poison" came on the screen, complete with bad green screen and a mean ass hook. If you don't understand what I mean, you definitely need to see this:

It continued with a total onslaught of nothing but '90s hip hop videos, including ODB, Snoop Dogg, Kriss Kross (I HATE to admit this but I realized these fucking kids actually had a bit of flow!!!), Portishead, Naughty By Nature, Cypress Hill... I can't even remember them all but all I can remember for sure is that he kept on assaulting us with '90s classic after '90s classic!!! I didn't know whether to laugh or dance! I did both for the entire 45 minutes! I TOLD YOU THE '90s WERE BACK!!!

I must say, however, I give him the most props the finale with WU-TANG'S "TRIUMPH". He even asked the crowd if anyone knew the lyrics, and I think I was the only one who raised my hand. TO END YOUR SET AT A WEST COAST SHOW WITH AN EAST COAST RAP SONG, ESPECIALLY ONE WITHOUT A CHORUS TAKES SOME MAJOR DGAF!!! I threw up the Wu-Tang sign while getting teary-eyed. Truly a triumph. Truly DGAF. He admitted that this was the first time FYF allowed hip hop! Thank you, PB Wolf, for making my night, and thereby possibly ruining my life in the best possible way.

I barely caught him out of the corner of my eye as I was talking to someone from my old school later, and he disappeared into the crowd... but that's ok, I gave him props on Twitter later, which isn't even a fraction as cool. I personally wanted to thank him for taking me back to the '90s.

He's playing in LA at Club Nokia on NYE... I'm definitely placing my bets for going to that. What a way to ring in a very DGAF 2010. To be continued...

Monday, October 19, 2009


A couple months ago, I posted a DGAF profile on mr. oizo and CMYK finally got a chance to see him spin live in Hollywood. It was further proof that he deserved that profile. In fact, he's so DGAF i'm posting about him again.

So on Friday, 10/16/2009, Suz, Don & I went out to see Mr. Oizo spin at Control (at Avalon).

taken from Control Friday's myspace

When we got into the club, the doors to the main floor was closed, so everyone was hanging around the bar. I got myself a water, and Suz got herself an Incredible Hulk (Hennessy + Hypnotiq). The doors opened and Deth Hertz played a pretty solid set. Then Mr. White went on at 12 and played bon jovi's "you give love a bad name" into lmfao's "shots." it was probably the funniest mashup i've heard in a while (Shot through the heart and you're the blame! shot through the heart! shot shot shot shot shot shot EVERYBOOODY SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS EVERYBOOOOODY! = WTF?). I was literally on the floor laughing.

Don does not approve of LMFAO

Then, finally, the beardy Frenchman himself, Quentin Dupieux, aka Mr. Oizo took over the decks with an amazing DJ set that made my mind melt with goodness.

Mr. Oizo is cooler than you.

Fans gathered around him as he was walking towards the backstage area, including myself. But my intention was not to tell him he was the best DJ/director ever (although that was part of it), but to do the Chivers handshake with him. I stopped him and said "CHIVERS!" (not sure if he heard this) and did the motion to the first part of the handshake. He smiled and did the handshake with me. Needless to say, that made my night.

in case you didn't read the other post and don't know what a Chivers handshake is

So anyway, when Mr. Oizo goes up, the audience goes apeshit. He starts djing with CDJs WHILE smoking AND drinking champagne (straight from the fucking bottle!). And of course, he played Flat Beat! <3 It was amazing to hear him play that. The best part is, when he plays a CD, he takes it out, breaks it, and throws it into the audience. DGAF enough for me? you better believe it.

Don, Suz & the Nabil Linus ready to melt their faces off to Mr. Oizo

Also, at some point in the night, he sprayed the audience with his white foam champagne. There were a few people who brought their Steak DVDs to get him to sign it. People passed it up to photographers on stage who put it up on the table for him, and he signed it for them. DGAF, yet still nice enough to sign autographs during his DJ set. What a guy. What a beard! And one of the guys from Club Soda had a CHIVERS jacket!

It's bootleg, but it's still rad

The point is, if you ever get a chance to see Mr. Oizo, do it. Because it'll blow your brains.