But my favorite alias of ODB? Definitely Big Baby Jesus. I mean, BIG BABY JESUS? REALLY? Have you heard the lyrics to "I Can't Wait" on N***a Please? I mean, he was so DGAF that he even named an album "N***a Please"! And have you seen the cover? LOOK AT THIS SHIT:

Who else is DGAF enough to take a limo to pick up a welfare check ON TV? ODB, THAT'S WHO!!!

But HAVE you listened to any of his solo albums??? HAVE YOU HEARD "I CAN'T WAIT"??? HAVE YOU HEARD THESE LYRICS??? He gives a shout out to LUKE. As in Luther "Skyywalker" Campbell from the notorious 2 Live Crew and one of the prominent figures in Miami Bass in the early '90s! AND to OutKast!!! All while threatening to bring on the Armageddon! And did I mention the shout outs to Eskimos, boats AND submarines?
ODB is a true DGAF legend... the RZA claimed that when they were about 16, ..."some guys rolled up on him... with a shotgun. And ODB just took the gun right out of the guy's hand. The motherfucker snatched the gun and turned it back on him... No one else did shit like that – and not live to tell." And ODB sure as hell lived up to his name. The RZA continues, "In every kung-fu movie, there's always the dirty bastard, the dirty rat, somebody who, no matter what he does, does wrong. Even when he does right, his intent is to do wrong. Well that's Dirty in real life... He'd rather do it to a girl that got a guy than girl without a guy." He smoked crack, was shot several times, was arrested for everything from shoplifting (he stole $50 shoes while he was carrying $500), attempted murder, assault, attempted robbery, drug possession, driving without a license, and failing to pay child support for his 13 kids. THIRTEEN KIDS!!!
But even the bastard had a heart under that ol' dirty exterior. Legend has it that he witnessed a car accident from his recording studio in Brooklyn and he helped lift a car to save a 4-year old girl. Yes, you read that right... and damn, you thought that shit only happened in movies. And apparently he visited her in the hospital too. ODB win.
Not only that, but can you believe that he would posthumously show that he had more class than KANYE WEST??? Yeah right, you're thinking, Ol' Dirty Bastard. That crazy crack smokin' criminal. Versus hip, trendy, and clean Kanye. But here's the proof... let's start out with Kanye's tantrum at the 2006 MTV music awards when he lost to Justice:
OH HALE NAW KANYE OH HALE NAW. Can you believe that shit? Kanye was rude, disrespectful, called So-Me a "n***a" (wtf???) and threw in some cussing. HIlarious? Yes. Classy? NOPE.
Believe it or not, despite the fact that the Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothin' to fuck with, ODB didn't bring the ruckus when he crashed the stage at the 1998 Grammys. Just listen to his speech:
ODB didn't cuss, didn't disrespect anyone, and never once raised his voice. He even tried to end his speech on a positive note! "I love you all? Peace?" Wu-Tang are really doing it for the children, because they save them from car accidents too. WOW. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? Seriously.
ODB is sadly no longer with us... he died in 2004, 2 days before his 36th birthday. Wu-Tang's first album was called Enter the Wu-Tang Clan: 36 Chambers. He died in his studio which was on west 34th street. 36-2=34. Wu-Tang numerology would have a fucking field day. There are even conspiracies about ODB being killed... another case of a musician who turned clean but mysteriously died of an overdose. We've seen this twice before in Seattle in the '90s but I won't name any names. The RZA proclaimed OBD as "...a true American free spirit. He scares some people, but other people just love him because he'll do what they wish they would do but are scared."
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